The Chinese PLA Navy

Sea Review 2018

on Thursday, 12 April 2018

052D Destroyer 172 Kunming 昆明艦

052D Destroyer 173 Changsha 長沙艦

094A Nuclear-powered Submarine

094A Nuclear-powered Submarine

093G Nuclear-powered Submarine

093G Nuclear-powered Submarine

093 Nuclear-powered Submarine

093 Nuclear-powered Submarine

039A Diesel-Electric Submarine

039A Diesel-Electric Submarine

039A Diesel-Electric Submarine

039A Diesel-Electric Submarine

039G Diesel-Electric Submarine

039G Diesel-Electric Submarine

052D Destroyer 175 Yinchuan 銀川艦

052D Destroyer 174 Hefei 合肥艦

052C Destroyer 150 Changchun 長春艦

052C Destroyer 151 Zhengzhou 鄭州艦

054A Frigate 572 Hengshui 衡水艦

054A Frigate 573 Liuzhou 柳州艦

052D Destroyer 154 Xiamen 廈門艦

052C Destroyer 171 Haikou 海口艦

052C Destroyer 170 Lanzhou 蘭州艦

001 Aircraft Carrier 16 Liaoning 遼寧艦

054A Frigate 547 Linyi 臨沂艦

054A Frigate 538 Yantai 煙台艦

901 Replenishment Ship 965 Hulunhu 呼倫湖艦

051C Destroyer 116 Shijiazhang 石家莊艦

071 Amphibious Transport Dock 998
Kunlunshan 崑崙山艦

071 Amphibious Transport Dock 989
Changbaishan 長白山艦

072A Landing Ship Tank 917 Wutaishan 五台山艦

072A Landing Ship Tank 914 Wuyishan 武夷山艦

052C Destroyer 152 Jinan 濟南艦

054A Frigate 568 Hengyang 衡陽艦

056A Frigate 502 Huangshi 黃石艦

056 Frigate 595 Chaozhou 潮州艦

056A Frigate 505 Qinhuangdao 秦皇島艦

056A Frigate 520 Hanzhong 漢中艦

056A Frigate 506 Jingmen 荊門艦

056A Frigate 551 Suining 遂寧艦

056A Frigate 508 Qujing 曲靖艦

056A Frigate 507 Tongren 銅仁艦

903A Replenishment Ship 964 Luomahu 駱馬湖號

815A Electronic Surveillance Ship 853

902 Hospital Ship 866 和平方舟號

910 Testing Ship 893 詹天佑艦

83 Training Ship 戚繼光艦

636A Hydrographic Survey Ship 874 鄧稼先號

926 Submarine Support Ship 864 海洋島艦

Beituo 739 北拖739

Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated in any way with PLA Navy.

Sunday, 10 February 2019